My First Car:
I will never forget my first car and all the wonderful memories that came with it. This fine automobile had pink wheels and a purple interior. It could go from zero to 3.4 mph in five minutes and had a battery life of less than one hour. Yes, my first car was a Barbie Jeep. Growing up I loved jumping into this hot-rod and speeding down the sidewalk. Every evening I would drive my car in the neighborhood with my dad running behind me. This would go on until the battery would start to die. However, one cold afternoon in November the battery died and we were what seemed to be miles away from home. Not being able to push this car my dad came to the rescue! He lifted my Barbie car over his head and with ease, carried it back home. When we got home, he was out of breath, but nevertheless he was there to save the day.
I will also never forget seeing my dad, heroic in stature, lifting my battery operated car up in the air and saving the day of a four year old. Looking back at this moment as a family, we all know that if this were to happen today that my dad probably could not lift the car over his head and walk over a mile. However, we all have a Father in Heaven who is still as powerful and heroic as always and who can still save the day. Riding through life we sometimes hit a bump and seem to breakdown. When all seems lost and forsaken somehow our Father, God, is there for us. He comes to our rescue and saves our day. The Bible says that “God is the same yesterday, today, and forever” but we often forget that He is the God of today. We all know and believe that He lived 2,000 years ago and died for our sins so that we may live. We also believe that He is going to be there for us in our future. Somehow though, we forget that He is the God of today, right now! He is there to save us and protect us from whatever we may encounter on the road ahead.
The same way that my dad was there for me when my first car broke down is the same way that God will be there for you. When situations come, we know that we can depend on Him to make everything all right.
When I turned 16 I wanted a car, like every other teenager. I asked my parents if I could have a car and they responded with a sweet but firm “no, if you want a car then you are going to have to believe God for one.” That is exactly what I did. I believed that God was going to provide a car for my 16th birthday. It took six months but I did end up with a car, for free! It was given to me, thanks to God. No matter what you want, need, desire, or ask for, it will be yours. So for me, my first car was really my second and I have amazing stories to go with both automobiles.
Michelle Echterling
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